Friday, 29 July 2016


WGCU's Curious Kids TV Beaches
If you don't live close to a beach, then perhaps you'll visit one on a summer vacation. I've been lucky enough to work in Florida for the last fourteen years and I have to say that going to the beach is one of favorite things to do. 
Florida beaches have experienced some murky waters this year after freshwater releases from Lake Okeechobee triggered terrible algal blooms along both coasts. The ocean might be vast, but it is easily affected negatively by human actions. I've listed below some things you can do to help protect the ocean.
Did you ever wonder what a closer look at sand might reveal? The Curious Kids interviewed Dr. Gary Greenberg who introduced them to the magical world of sand grains.
Things you can do to help protect your watershed, and subsequently the ocean into which it feeds:
  • Use biodegradable household cleaning products (easy to buy these days), or make your own -  ingredients such as baking soda, essential oils, vinegar, borax  and lemon will do the trick.
  • Dispose of hazardous materials safely - many communities have Hazardous Waste Pick up. Toxic waste that ends up in the landfills can leach into the watershed.
  • Conserve water - even if you live somewhere where it rains a lot, conserving water helps foster an appreciation for this precious resource.
  • Wash your car at a car wash - in addition to using less water the Car wash seems more eco-friendly:  Check out the numbers here. 
                           Have fun at the beach and remember to only leave your footprints!
Hey, have you played the Footprint Game with Earth and Rosie? Try it out - click on the Footprint Icon on the right hand side of this page!

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