Sunday, 15 May 2016

My Backyard!

Summer's here... well, it is almost here, it's actually trying to snow in Saint Sauveur, Quebec where I'm writing this Blog Post from. But yesterday it was beautiful and the bees were buzzing, the birds were singing and the leaves are bursting forth on the trees! Life is emerging. My grandsons came to visit yesterday and we had fun digging in the soft earth, discovering ants and worms and all kind of interesting critters.
My song, My Backyard mentions seventeen different creatures that can be found in most North American backyards. You can play the song HERE, (click on the button About Me and the Song button will come up) and you will see the lyrics. Listen to the song with your kids, then see how many of the creatures you can spot in a week. I didn't see the two in the photo below, but I did see five others that are mentioned in the song - within an hour!

                                                                 Photo Credit: Piepie
Simply the best way to nurture a love of nature in kids is by taking them outdoors and getting them interested in the critters that are there. Within minutes my grandsons (aged 5 and 18 months) were imitating crow's "cawk-cawk", they quickly learned blue jay's raucous cry and were fascinated when I called the chickadees in. Magic happens when we take kids outside. Have fun exploring your backyard, or the park, or any neighborhood place where there's a tree and a bit of grass. Life is everywhere!

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