Tuesday, 13 May 2014


Cooperation is alive and well in nature, providing some great opportunities to observe this quality with your kids. For example, take a moment to watch a colony of ants. Ants cooperate in a myriad of ways, always working for the greatest good of the whole. They work together to collect food, assist other ants that are injured and endlessly transport grains of sand and debris out of tunnels ensuring the colony is spic and span. Of course it’s a little difficult to observe ants underground so if you’re feeling adventurous why not buy an Ant Farm? Your kids will enjoy watching the ants tunnel away! The Ant Song is a fun way to celebrate ants!

The Web of Life is truly a network of interdependent and interconnected organisms and humans are intricately connected to that web. Check out Principal Number 2 of the Little Earth Charter - The Interconnected Web.  What examples of cooperation can you find in the backyard or at the park? Some might be:
1. Soil – all kinds of organisms work together to break down organic material into soil, providing fertile matter for plants to grow in.
2. Birds - Get to know your neighborhood crows – they are social birds that will often cooperate to collect nest-building materials.
3. “Smarty Plants” this AMAZING episode from David Suzuki’s The Nature of Things will blow you  away!  It's incredible how plants and insects cooperate!

Plenty of fun examples of cooperation in nature can also be seen in coral reefs. One research team found that some reefs being threatened by a plant that was disrupting their food supply, called in Goby fish to get rid of them! Here's the Cooperation Song to get you in a cooperative mind set! If you find some cool examples of cooperation in nature, please do share! Have fun!

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