What would the earth be like if there were no earthworms? Actually, it would be a VERY different place than it is today. There would be no soil, therefore no plants and no food. Yikes! That would be awful! Funny thing though, we don’t see many petitions to “Save the Earthworm” and yet they are essential to life on this planet.
Here are some interesting facts about earthworms:
- Worms help water flow through the soil
- Worm castings (poo) make really good fertilizer for the soil
- There are approximately 2,700 different kinds of earthworms
- In one acre of land there can be more than a million earthworms
You know spring has sprung in Canada when the American robin's get back! I saw one the other day, hopping around looking for something to eat. Robins like to eat earthworms in the morning; later in the day they’re likely to eat fruit or small insects. I grew up in England where the European robin would wake us up with it’s beautiful song.
A great way to convert your organic waste into fabulous fertilizer is to set up a Vermicomposting Bin. You can just throw your kitchen scraps directly in there, along with some shredded paper scraps, and before you know it the worms (red wrigglers) will convert them into amazingly beautiful rich soil. A great way to recycle scraps and get plenty of food for your plants Try it out with your kids!
Oh, and one other thing. Earthworms, robins, bees, insects and so many other creatures and tiny organisms are harmed when pesticides are used. There are plenty of non toxic insecticide alternatives you can use. Dance around the yard to the We're All Interconnected song! Together, we can make a difference!
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