The Major Oak Tree, Sherwood Forrest, Nottinghamshire, UK.
We live on an AWESOME planet. So, I want to explore some ways in which we can awaken awe for the natural world in children. As I've probably said before, getting them outside is for me the number one most effective way. However, I know that's not always possible. Still, we can be a guide. We can take a hand, open a door, lead the way to something extraordinary. Something that might be the catalyst, the moment that ignites a lifelong passion for the natural world. I was privileged; I grew up in the magical Sherwood Forest in England. The Major Oak Tree was my playground, my mentor, my sacred space in which to imagine and dream. The hollow interior of the tree was rumored to have been the favorite hiding place for Robin Hood. I spent hours inside that tree. Needless to say, I have never forgotten it, and wherever I am, I look to the trees for comfort and inspiration.
Whether it is the song of the White Pine, the shimmer of the Trembling Aspen leaves, the shade of a mighty Maple or the glorious greenness of new Ferns unfolding, trees and plants are a constant reminder of the beauty and grace residing on this planet. Not only that, they truly are phenomenal. On a recent trip to Archbold Biological Station in Florida, the Curious Kids discovered that some plants have been around for ten thousand years. Ten thousand years!
I challenge you to find some awesome examples of plant magnificence to share with your kids. Here are a few ideas to get your started:
1. Do trees Communicate with each other?
2. The story of the Fig Tree and the Fig wasp
What would the world be without trees, plants and flowers! Well we know... there would be no life!
Let me know what you find to inspire AWE in your kids!