Thursday, 12 June 2014

Vacation Recycling!

I’ve been travelling lately and noticed how much “junk” can pile up when we travel! Most airports have recycling bins available and many of the transportation hubs do too, so it’s definitely possible to recycle any plastic bottles, cans, glass and paper products while on the road for summer vacations! If there isn’t any recycling available I do my best to clean out plastic vessels or cans and take them with me to the next place that does offer recycling (this may be home!) This takes a commitment and when a family is travelling there are certainly many things to think about. Sing the Recycling Boogie to get you going!

Plastic is everywhere, so the more we can reduce, reuse or recycle, the better it will be. If you have any doubts about where all that plastic ends up (that isn't recycled), check out the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. And as if the Pacific vortex wasn’t bad enough, they’ve recently discovered a huge Atlantic garbage patch as well! Time to clean up our act! There’s really no need for us to waste as much plastic. I’m just one person, but I’ve managed to reduce my use of plastic in a variety of ways such as:

• I use a reusable steel bottle for water – even when I travel.
• I carry a reusable cloth shopping bag in my purse at all times – you can get really cute ones now.  Mine rolls into a ball.
• Use reusable containers for picnics and traveling.

Check out some Eco-friendly tips for traveling with kids. When you're out and about, see what kinds of art projects you can make with some of the natural objects you find. Recycle Artist Brad Hermann in Fort Myers, Florida showed the Curious Kids some of his amazing pieces of art – all made from recycled materials.

The Little Earth Charter, Principal Number Five is Earth, check it out and pledge to live a little lighter on the planet.  Let’s work together to reduce our plastic footprint! Have fun on your summer vacations!

Monday, 2 June 2014


They’re back!! Those pesky, inordinately annoying insects! Buzzing and whining, biting and stinging! Cover up, cover up! Face, arms, hands, legs and feet!  Sigh! Mosquitoes are ubiquitous and sadly, often synonymous with summer outdoors! They're the one creature to garner little enthusiasm when I chant my “We’re All Interconnected” mantra!

Oh well! (yes, those of you who know me, know what I’m going to say.) Mosquitoes contribute to the diets of numerous birds, bats and amphibians. So, before I go any further, shake off the mosquito blues with the Mosquito Song!

A recent visit to the Lee County Mosquito Control District in Florida, gave the Curious Kids some insights into mosquito life and what Florida was like before mosquito control began.

This National Geographic page has some good facts about mosquitoes plus some cool videos on other types of insects. Since mosquito larvae grow in standing water, invite your kids to check around the yard to see where water’s pooled – you might be surprised at how many places there are. If you have bromeliads growing, that’s a likely place – or how about a birdbath that’s got stagnant water in it?

Believe it or not, there’s even a Mosquito App! Whatever it takes! Getting kids to play outdoors far outweighs the downer of mosquitoes, so dance a little and have fun!